Tuesday, March 15, 2011

[Trans] Jungmin interview for Trendy magazine

Scanned by: Annieyang
English translation: Laura Nah
 (Date 1) + rainaftershine.wordpress.com (Date 2 & 3)
Please repost with FULL credits only.

Date 1

Dual-language Exclusive Interview that is filled with laughter

T: Finally, Park Jung Min arrived on Taiwanese shores with his newest album.  Also, Jung Min is about to hold his fan meet very soon. How do you feel?
PJM: I haven’t been to Taiwan for quite a while. Thus, I have mixed feelings just thinking about how I am able to meet with my fans that I haven’t seen in a long time – hopeful, a little nervous but very excited. This is the first time I am holding a solo fan meet in Taiwan. There are more things to prepare now that I am alone and not with my group mates. Although I felt unrest and lonely when this solo journey began (and also a little stressed), happiness overcame the stress because of my fans. Thinking about how I am going to meet them helped me feel the calmness once again.
Jung Min who has been answering in Korean all this while suddenly tilted his head and pondered. Following that, he spoke in Mandarin: “I want to see all of you (fans)… now!” After this sudden exclamation, he had a satisfied look on his face, and tried again, “Immediately!” It was really cute. Also, Jung Min revealed that he is planning a surprise for his fans. However, even though the reporter kept pressing him to reveal the surprise, he was very tight-lipped about it.
T: You are the first to release a solo album among all members of SS501. How do you feel about it? Did the other members show their support for you through any form of encouragements?
PJM: As I am the first to debut as a solo singer among SS501, I truly hope that I can reap good results. This is my wish and also, I see it as an encouragement to the other members who will debut as solo singers soon too. Thus, I have been working very, very hard. Although my heart is somewhat heavy with the stress, I will continue to strive on.
Everyone in SS501 is busy now, so we are unable to meet often. We frequently use Twitter to communicate and leaving motivating messages for one another. When I was having my fan meet in Seoul, Hyung Jun even took time out from his busy schedule to show his support for me by turning up at my promotional events.
T: Can you tell us about your new solo album?
PJM: Hmmm… this album is full of Park Jung Min’s various charismatic charms.  I have put in much effort to improve in all areas such as strengthening my vocal capabilities, composing my own lyrics, and being involved in the production of my album. This album represents my utmost sincerity.
(T/N: The one in the grey section wasn’t translated. But if you want to know, its Trendy talking about Jungmin’s Chinese skill)
T: All the lyrics in your new album have been personally penned by you. Would you like to share with us where the inspirations came from?
PJM: There is no particular source of inspiration. (Pouts and replies in Mandarin) keke, there is not special source. I merely penned down the feelings of my heart and mind. It all came naturally and very real. There is really no special source of inspiration…

T: We are able to feel Park Jung Min’s feelings through listening to the songs on your album. Do you have any special habit while recording in the studio? Or, do you have a method to immerse yourself in the songs as you recorded them?
PJM: As the lyrics were composed by me, I was able to portray the feelings of the words with much sincerity. Due to the fact that I do not have the others to sing certain parts of a song with me now, I have to do everything by myself – breaking a song down and understanding its meaning and churn out a suitable delivery to bring out the full meaning of the song.
As for habits in the recording studio, I would turn off all the lights in the studio to prepare myself for the emotions of the song. Usually, I would choose to record songs at night, and I would never fail to drink a glass of lukewarm water before recording.
T: Park Jung Min has a totally new look for this album.  You have lost 12kg just because of it. Would you share with the readers your secret?
PJM: Oh~ Just don’t eat anything at all. (Burst out laughing, and started to wave to reporters to indicate that he was just joking. However, once he recomposed himself, he got very serious and answered in Mandarin) I work out at the gym every single day. And, I take only meat from chicken breast (starts to move his hands to act out what he is trying to say) Furthermore, I would go for massage. Exercise! Exercise! (Starts to reenact running while sitting on the chair)
T: Once your strict diet is over, what is the one thing you crave for?
PJM: Err, it seems impossible not to do a diet control. (Even though he verbally states that it is impossible, he show signs that he is reluctant to carry on his diet by turning here and there in his chair acting like a kid) If, IF, I do not have to stay on the diet….. But I have just eaten and so I do not find myself craving for any food now. Erm… (Puts his hands on his stomach and pretends to think seriously. However, his cheeky smile betrays him by signaling to reporters that he is up to some mischief). Are you asking me to state the food I am thinking of now? (Asked the reporters and saw them nodding as a reply to his question. After which he finally revealed his craving) Lamb hotpot!
T: What about Taiwanese food? Do you have any craving for Taiwanese cuisine?
PJM: Taiwanese lamb hotpot.
Jung Min’s immediate reply caused everyone to laugh. However, the lamb hotpot that Jung Min is talking about is a super spicy one. And he specifically said that after his first taste of it in Taiwan, he has fallen in love with it!
T: The theme of this photo shoot is “spring”. In Taiwan, the young couple would go to Yang Ming Shan (a mountain in Taiwan)’s field of calla lily flowers to date. Thus, we are using calla lily as a prop for this photo shoot. Calla lily has a significance of being upright, delicate/handsome and full of charm. Do you find it suitable to your personality? Do you have any flowers which you have a special liking towards?
PJM: I think so too. (Using Mandarin to reply but burst out laughing due to being so direct and lack in humility, maybe?) I do not have any flowers which I especially like. However, I do like the soothing scent of roses. Perfume using rose as an ingredient usually smells good too.
T: In Korea, do Koreans specially go out to view and appreciate flowers in Spring?
PJM: Yes. (Starts talking about where to find nice flowers in Korea during spring) erm… (Switching to Mandarin again, plus doing a pout). However, I have never been to those places. Not even once.
T: Why not?
PJM: Not sure… I do not know. (Pretends to be very sad and tries to use Mandarin to make himself sound that he is very sad. However, he burst out laughing not soon later. He is really high on his cheekiness today!)
T: If you have a date in spring, what preparations would you make?
PJM: Flower pots! I will buy a very beautiful pot. And I will need scissors (Uses his hands to imitate a pair of scissors). Oh, and I need soil. All these are needed so that I can easily bring home any beautiful flowers I see. Haha~ yes, I am just joking, of course! Before a date in spring, I would prepare flowers which has a suitably good significance and which also looks nice. The person who receives such a beautiful gift will be very happy!
T: How does your ideal date during spring sound like? Who would you want to be with during this date? Where would you like to go and what would you do?
PJM: The best date would be to be with fans and sail along the Han River! When I was young, I would sail down the Han River with my older sister. The Han River has amazing sights and it is very soothing. However, due to my work, I have not been on such an experience for a long time. Therefore, should I be able to go with my fans and enjoy this wonderful experience once more, it would be marvelous! (Smiles widely)
T: After releasing a new album, what plans do you have for the future?
PJM: Firstly, after the fan meet in Taiwan, I would be embarking on my Asian tour, which includes fan meets. After which, I would return to Korea to prepare for the release of a revised album. Following this, I have acting stints in both Korea and Taiwan. If things go as planned, I would be in Taiwan in May to start filming. I also have plans to release an album in Japan. Erm… as long as I am able to meet my fans, I will keep working hard to push my own limits and challenge myself without confining myself to a particular area.
T: This being the Year of the Rabbit, do you – “Rabbit Year Baby” – have any wish you hope to fulfill this year?
PJM: I hope that I will be healthy, and that all plans (scheduled work) will go on smoothly. Also, I hope that my fans will give me more support and love. Erm… lastly (biting on tie while thinking hard)… to be TRENDY’s cover model for the whole year. Hahahaha~
In the midst of Jung Min stating his wish to be TRENDY’s cover model for the whole year and his hearty laughter, it is time for TRENDY’s exclusive interview with Jung Min to come to a close! In this interview, Jung Min remains a bubbly, cheerful and sometimes cheeky (playful) person. After going solo, Jung Min’s enormous efforts combined with his charismatic good looks, we believe he would go far and achieve great results in his career. Of course, green peas princesses must continue to show their support for Jung Min… to watch over him. Work hard~ work hard~ FIGHTING!

Date 2

Autograph session under the rain with a sea of umbrellas

As it is the first time Park Jung Min came to Taiwan for solo activities promotion, not only he needs to go to schedule nonstop, he held a last minute album autograph session a day before the fan-meeting so as to have a closer interaction with his fans.
And it rained on the autograph session day itself. The green pea princess who queued very hard that time should be feeling helpless but also to laugh at it? No matter which member it is, it seems that the strength of SS501 skill of ‘calling for the rain’ is almost the same!

Beautiful sea of umbrella welcoming playful ‘Park Sexy’

Even though the time is nearing to the autograph session, the rain does not seem to stop. But no matter how heavy is the rain, it does not wash away their expectation towards ‘Park Sexy Charisma’ and of course, it does not wash away the warmth support for Jungmin! The beautiful sea of umbrella at the Red Square became the most beautiful scenery to welcome Jungmin.
Jungmin who finally reached the venue felt sorry and touched because the fans had been waiting for him under the heavy rain. The first sentence he said using a very perfect Chinese upon holding the microphone was ‘Don’t catch a cold! Don’t slip!’ Indeed, he is ‘Park Kind’ who loves his fans!
During the interview with the media, Jungmin also kindly took the microphones, and he does not change his playful habit by testing on the mic, and a little while later, he made funny faces to the reporters who were holding onto the mic. Everyone could not help it but to smile at his playfulness, and this also made the people to forget the uncomfortable of the rain temporary. As for the question given by the reporters, Jungmin tried to use Chinese to reply every single one, his Chinese ability indeed made a huge improvement!
But as for the content of the fan-meeting which the media has been curious about, Jungmin only revealed that he will be singing only 1 Chinese song during the fan-meeting, no matter what the other reporters asked, he gave a mystery face expression and smiled and insisted that he will not disclose it, he wants everyone to come to the fan-meeting personally to know about it!

Fans super Q blessing

During the fansign event, Jungmin also received a cute and sweet congratulatory cake from the fans.
Not only there are words of encouragement to Jungmin using the cream and also the chocolate drawing which represent SS501 and green pea princesses on the super large 3 layered cake, the most special one would be the Q (cute) version of Jungmin doll standing on the top of the cake. This made Jungmin shouted with surprise upon seeing it, and he happily helped himself and the ‘Q version Jungmin’ to smear the cream on their noses, his cute action caused everyone to scream and laugh.
Jungmin’s shirt was stained with the cream while playing happily and he only used the napkin to wipe it away and continued to play with the ‘Q version Jungmin’, however, it fell onto the cake and the entire doll was stained with cream. It’s like how he stained himself with the cream, Jungmin was serious and carefully took a napkin to wipe the cream from the ‘Q version Jungmin’ away gently. The look of him cherishing his fans gratitude, even the MC also praised that he is really a caring and considerate man!

The electrifying Eye Touch

After Jungmin said a few times of ‘Don’t catch a cold’ and ‘I love you’ to everyone, the fansign event which everyone have been looking to finally started, although ‘Park Sexy Charisma’’s hand are busying signing his autograph to everyone, but his kind smile and that electrifying eye expression does not stop from the start to the end.
During the free time, he will not forget to pose a heart sign to the fans below the stage, it’s really super sweet! The fans below the stage sing ‘Not Alone’ along with the live broadcast on the spot when it was being played, although everyone is still waiting under the rain, but the enthusiastic loud fan-chant drown the tiredness of the waiting way before.
Despite there were some unsatisfactory because of the order before the fansign event, but the staff members all held onto an umbrella and hold onto towel and carefully wiped the albums which it’s going to be autographed. In addition, they always remind the fans to be careful while going down the stage, we believed everyone is contented by their doing already!
Trendy also wish to nag again, no matter what you must be careful of your own safety, please do not let your favourite idol to get worried again~ Must be good!

Date 3

Because of you Fan-meeting Event

After the lighting darkens down, the familiar sea of green appeared. From the video shown on the big screen on the stage,   fan-meeting prologue was officially started.

The charming performance on stage

Park Jung Min brings out the first song, solo album title song to the fans by dressing like a gorgeous prince and appearing on stage. Jungmin performed on the stage powerfully, the dancers and he collaborate with him perfectly during the performance, and in addition, the fan-chant from the green pea princesses below the stage let the atmosphere to burst at the start of the fan-meeting.
During the fan-meeting, Jungmin also performed the other two ballad tracks from his solo album and . Under Jungmin’s deep feeling while singing, it showed a different stage. The playful Jungmin danced a hand dance at the song break during the Bossa Nova , causing everyone to laugh. To show a perfect stage, the snowflakes which create the romantic atmosphere almost failed to work. Luckily Jungmin started to sing with his soothing voice which made everyone to fall into the sweet kind of Christmas romantic atmosphere again.
Besides singing the three songs in his album, Jungmin also sang , as for the Chinese song he mentioned previously, he chooses to sing . He pronounced everything perfectly, indeed like what he said, he wants to let everyone to understand what he is singing without looking at the subtitles. We believed that everyone felt his hard work and intention through this song.

Zero distance communicating in Chinese

Jungmin who was just being introduced by Ken Wu immediately run across the stage to great and wave to the fans. ‘Park Cordial’ is not given for nothing.
During the interview, Jungmin answered every question in Chinese, compared to the previous interview, his Chinese level can be described as ‘improving rapidly’. He might use it or pronounce it wrongly occasionally but this became everyone did not stop smiling from it. (Cause of his hard work)
Jungmin showed the Chinese he learned recently due to the request of Ken Wu, ‘I think… I am sexy. So your eyes are pretty. I want you to be my girlfriend! What do you think of me?’ After saying, not only it arouses screams and laughter from all the fans, Ken Wu took them words to flirt with girls.
Jungmin laughed and immediately explained that this is not he want to learn, he even pulled the manager in, saying that it was his manager who wanted to learn, he only ‘casually’ learned it. The look of him trying to clear up the misunderstanding caused everyone to laugh again.
Under Ken Wu’s ‘Forming the sentence test’, Jungmin’s real Chinese skill slowly appeared. Not only he knows how to write, his stroke is also no problem. He can even form sentence to express his gratitude to everyone. ‘Park Language’ is not only what he said himself only, we believed if a Chinese tuition center asks Jungmin to be their spokesman,  it will definitely be convincing!

Fan’s talent test

The most important segment which cannot be miss during a fan-meeting would be the close contact interaction with Jungmin! Everyone’s heart is like being tested when there is a lucky draw for lucky fans to go up to the stage, although some people will be happy and some will be unhappy with the result, no matter if they get to go up the stage, we believed that the fans will still be happy to spend a moment with Jungmin together!
During the fan-meeting this time, Jungmin came up with a question of drawing his portrait; obviously this is to test his fan’s drawing talent! However, it seems that it’s a hard question to many people…
While waiting for his fans to draw, Jungmin specially walked around them and check, unexpectedly, he immediately protested ‘You~ this is me?’ He did not even give them a chance to explain and said ‘This is not me! You go home, faster go home!’ Everyone below the stage was curious about the drawing after Jungmin said that.
And Ken Wu has not completed his inspection, but the situation does not seem good. This time Jungmin complained using his tearful tone ‘you~ this is not me~’ then he ran away with his fake cry. This time, everyone’s curiosity broke the meter. The final answer was finally revealed, the fan drew the face of the horse.
(Trendy OS: Jungmin uh~ your nickname is always ‘Pu Ah Ma’ (direct translation: Park Horse) Everyone knows about it so you cannot denied it.)

100% Fan-service

After the test, it’s the prize giving time which makes everyone anticipate yet hurt at the same time. ‘Park Cordial’ fan-service will not disappoint everyone. The fan-service is not considered ‘will not disappoint everyone’ but it already reached the stage of ‘the most awesome fan-service in history’.
It is not strange to give the fans perfume, hand cream and lip balm as gift, he even personally sprayed the same perfume he is using onto the fan and helped to apply the hand cream and lip balm, the fans who won were blushing and those below the stage were screaming until it is loud enough to tear off the roof.
We already said that it’s the ‘best in history’, of course it’s not only one time. The next fan-service are ‘holding onto Jungmin’s hand while listening to him singing love song’; ‘face to face with Jungmin closely, holding both hands together and confession time’ and ‘Taking a polaroid of Jungmin carrying fan in bridal way’. It’s completely beyond blushing and heart beating fast which made your finger curl’s service (rainaftershine: direct translation, I don’t know how to put them into sentences LOL! Just imagine it yourself keke!), not only the receiver who felt giddy due to happiness, the screams below the stage already hit the clouds.
And also… yes, super-duper fantasy which will only appear in drama or in dream, ‘running towards Jungmin’s embrace, and turn around in circle while hugging’. This ‘fantasy devil’ standard of service, of course it made the audience fell into a state of craziness, not sure how many days will it take for this lucky winner to sleep.

The protection (guard) from the green pea princesses

It started a warm moment after the crazy atmosphere of the fan-meeting which slowly came to the end.
A fan-made video to Jungmin was played which made Jungmin emotional after a night of being cheekiness and laughing non-stop, he said ‘I am touched, I love all of you, I really love all of you. I will work hard just for all of you.’
Being the first member to release a solo album in SS501, the stress Jungmin went under is beyond words, maintaining a mood of ‘If I can success alone, this will be the best encouragement to the rest of the members’. He continued to advance and work hard. We believed that with the stubbornly persistent protection from the green pea princesses, it will not be a problem.
The happy time always past by very fast, after Jungmin changed into handsome clothing, and sang ‘Not Alone’ again, the fan-meeting ended beautifully. This beautiful memory will always stay in the heart of many, till the next time when Jungmin comes again!

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